Digging & Writing & Writing about Digging

It's quiet...too quiet. Yes this blog has been silent for the last month because I've been away from home and didn't want any of the cat burglars or nervous insurance underwriters who follow it to know. On the first of May, Dig Alderney's team of volunteers started to excavate a large Roman building. We'd explored... Continue Reading →

Newsletter Launched!

The time has come to launch a newsletter. It will be roughly monthly depending where I am in the world, what I'm writing and whether I'm digging. The title is inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, reflecting that I'll be posting pieces on my whole range of books from historical thrillers to archaeology mysteries plus the... Continue Reading →

Writing, Digging, Travelling

2023 began with me catching covid again, unfashionably late. Once recovered, January was absorbed by helping clear the family home, so little writing, travelling or archaeology at all! It was minus two the day we filled the skip. By February I managed to get out and about again, hiking over Malham Cove in a balmy... Continue Reading →

He’s Making a List

In Blackshirt Masquerade Hugh Clifton infiltrates Department Z, the intelligence unit of the British Union of Fascists, on behalf of MI5. He can use the information he gathers against the very people who regard him as their most dedicated agent. When things reach crisis point in Blackshirt Conspiracy he reports back to his handler, ‘We... Continue Reading →

Christmas, 1936

Bing Crosby’s latest hit was Pennies from Heaven and Hitchcock’s espionage thriller Sabotage was on release, but it was hardly peace on Earth at Christmas, 1936. Civil war was raging in Spain and Hitler’s grip on Germany strengthened after his re-occupation of the Rhineland. Britain was starting to recover from the malaise of the Great... Continue Reading →

Writing a Painful Truth

Most articles about British fascists in the 1930s mention antisemitism sooner rather than later, and often it’s the only focus of the story. When writing the Room Z series, it is an issue I had to confront straight away. Although there is a light touch to some of Hugh Clifton’s adventures and he throws himself... Continue Reading →

An Author’s Guide to Publication Day

It's publication day for Blackshirt Conspiracy, the second in my series of alternative history thrillers set in a Britain under the shadow of fascism. Cheerful stuff eh? Well, I'll raise a glass to it! Writing a novel is immense fun, but is an incredible amount of work once the research, drafting, editing, re-editing and proofing... Continue Reading →

Launch Day for Blackshirt Conspiracy

“A powerful and gripping narrative with a shocking outcome.” Million-selling crime writer Leigh Russell It's been a busy week with the launch of Blackshirt Conspiracy, and has meant a blizzard of social media posts, cross-posts and interactions. A number of blogs and websites have carried interviews and short pieces about challenges in writing the book... Continue Reading →

Making a Drama out of a Crisis

A British prince falls in love with a divorced American commoner and scandal rocks the establishment. Wouldn’t happen these days, would it? The Abdication Crisis took place in the autumn of 1936 and the relationship between King Edward VIII and his American mistress Wallis Simpson has been portrayed frequently in fiction as a love story,... Continue Reading →

The Battle of Cable Street, 1936

October 4th marks the anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street, one of the most infamous pieces of public disorder in inter-war Britain. For years afterwards, right up to modern times, socialists trumpeted that it was the day British fascism was defeated by the workers, but this is little more than romantic myth. This day... Continue Reading →

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